How To Live A More Harmonious Life

Break Free From Stressful Living by Raising Your Consciousness

For years many of us have looked to sources outside of ourselves for answers, guidance and healing. But what I have learned over the course of my journey is that I AM it. I am the source that will transform my life and so are you. We live in a dualistic universe, which means there’s polarity to all; an opposite, including within us. In ourselves we will find the “higher-self” and “lower-self”. This is our internal operating system. We can choose to make decisions and life choices from either of these places.

Visually, in animations this has often been depicted as the character’s conscious, with an Angel on one shoulder and the Devil on the other, both trying to convince the character to choose them as their thought and action dictator. In reality it does not physically show-up that way for us, but it is indeed there.

When we raise our level of consciousness these aspects of ourselves become clearer and clearer and we’re able to decipher them a lot easier, resulting in us making decisions from a more aware state of mind vs. us simply reacting to life in an impulsive manner.  Many of us for the majority of our lives have been in a “lower-self” state of mind. This is due to how our society has been conditioned. But we are now in a critical state of existence and we’re being prompted to wake up to our “higher-selves”.

How to identify the “lower-self” from the “higher-self”:

Lower-self is the false self, the ego. When we are in this state, we’re overly focused on the material aspects of our world: social status, money, clothes, cars and things of that nature. And our emotional state is one of competitiveness, selfishness (me, myself and mine), often leading to feelings of frustration, sadness and depression. We do not see how we are intrinsically connected to others and our environment as a whole. We’re often comparing ourselves to other people and being judgmental. Whether we want to admit it or not, in this state, we are often self-conscious, neurotic and lack self-love.

Higher-self  is our true divine nature, it’s Love. When we are in this state, we’re more focused on the internal condition of ourselves, our spiritual, mental and emotional health and how we are treating others. Our emotional state is calm, peaceful and rested. We’re not in a place of me, myself and mine – so we’re not overly focused on the material. Things around us may not be perfect, but we know that we are supported by the universe (God) and therefore don’t have to overreact to external conditions. We see how we are connected to others and how our behavior affects the collective. We try to remain in a place of balance, functioning from our heart space, with love, forgiveness and patience.

The key to wholeness is to create a harmonious balance within ourselves. Being too much into our “lower-self” leaves us spiritually depleted and causes chaos within our world, which is why our society is in the condition it’s currently in. And being too much into our “higher-self” disconnects us from the gift of being a spiritual being, having a physical experience. We are here to explore, evolve, create and enjoy this realm of existence, the thing we call life!

If you are now wondering if you have been within balance or not: here's a few questions you can ask yourself: 

  1. Do I often find myself comparing my life to others?
  2. Do I cultivate peaceful relationships? – Or do I often find myself in arguments with others? 
  3. Am I critical of others? – And myself?
  4. Do I often feel insecure?
  5. Do I like to feel like I’m in control of the circumstances around me? – Or am I able to relax with the understanding that somethings are not meant for me to control?
  6. Do I deeply struggle with forgiveness?


These are just a few examples of self-evaluating questions that we can use to help us determine where we may need to make some adjustments within ourselves. If you answered yes to any of these questions, don’t feel bad, majority of us have been there and are there right now. The first step to correction is recognition. I would also like to add that there’s many reasons for being able to answer yes to those questions. It’s because we need to heal old wounds and trauma. We’ll get into more of that in future post. Stay tuned! 


Let's begin to raise our consciousness and truly enjoy life!

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